Child & Adolescent Program Services

“At first I was skeptical about people working with my children in our home, but after a few visits with each therapist, everything just fell in to place. They treated my children as if they were their own. I am able to carry over techniques to ensure that my boys do not regress. I feel as though I am on my way to becoming an expert on learning how to work and live with autistic children.”
— Tina, parent

Child and Adolescent Program Services (CAPS) offer a variety of supports and services for children and adolescents with autism, intellectual disabilities and other developmental disabilities and their families in Fulton County. These services include in-home and community-based respite, after school respite (Gap supports), school-break respite and community habilitation for older teens working on independent living skills.

Early Intervention/Preschool Services

Lexington provides speech/language pathology, occupational therapy and physical therapy to children who are referred by the Fulton County Department of Public Health for Early Intervention Services or the school district for preschool services. The Early Intervention/Preschool Program is a statewide program that provides many types of services to children from birth to age 5 with delays in the development of their motor or language abilities, among others, and their families. We also provide Early Intervention Core Assessments. Our Preschool Program provides therapy services to children ages 3-5 with a disability. Lexington currently serves more than 40 children from birth to age 5.

For more information on how to qualify, contact Assistant Director for Clinical Services Liz Thompson at (518) 762-8416 or

Intensive Behavioral Services (IBS)

IBS is an in-home service available to families who are struggling with behavior challenges in the home. A behaviorist works with the family to identify what causes the person’s behaviors and helps them identify ways to prevent and address them. The goal of IBS is to allow the whole family to live together in a way that benefits all members of the family. Families seeking this type of service should contact their Care Manager.

Social Skills Programs

We offer a variety of social skills classes designed to help children develop age-appropriate social skills in order to foster friendships and increase their participation in the community. Classes for different age groups are offered throughout the year. Contact Lexington Family Services at (518) 773-2014 to speak to someone who can help you decide which classes are most appropriate for your child.

Family Services

The CAPS program also offers educational services through Lexington’s Family Services, which provides education, training, information, linkage and referral for families, monthly parent roundtable meetings and many informational workshops for family. We offer spectrum swim (Splash the Spectrum) and music therapy programs.

For more information, please call (518) 773-2014
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