Join us for the 2024 Lexington Foundation’s Night Out back at the ranch!
Dust of those boots and head on back to our Montana ranch for this year’s Lexington Night Out. The event will feature a cocktail party, butlered hors d’oeuvres, music by Flame and Insolent Willies, silent auction, raffles and immersive entertainment and more.
To purchase tickets online, visit
or call 518-661-9932.
Sponsorship opportunities still available!
To sponsor the 2024 Lexington Night Out Gala, please call Wally Hart at 518-661-9932
Platinum Sponsor: $10,000
- Recognition during evening’s presentation.
- Room naming opportunity at the Nigra Arts Center or Transitions.
- Special signage with company logo throughout event Full-page ad in
- program with premium placement.
- One VIP room and reserved VIP table in tent for 10 guests.
- Mention in all social media posts and on website.
Gold Sponsor: $5,000
- Room naming opportunity at the Nigra Arts Center or Transitions.
- Special signage with company logo throughout event.
- Full-page ad in event program with premium placement.
- VIP table in tent.
- Six tickets to the event.
- Mentions on social media and on website.
Silver Sponsor: $2,500
- Recognition on the Paul Nigra Center for Creative Arts Donor Wall.
- Special signage with company logo displayed throughout the event.
- Full-color page ad in program.
- VIP table in tent.
- Two general admission tickets and two Young Professional tickets to the event.
- Mention on social media.
Bronze Sponsor: $1,000
- Special signage with company logo displayed throughout the event.
- 1/2 page color ad.
- VIP table in tent.
- Mention on social media.
Program Ad Sponsor: $500 | $250
- Advertising in the event program that is presented to each attendee.
- Full-page black and white ad ($500).
- Half-page black and white ad ($250).