Become A Member

Membership in The Arc Lexington is a powerful tool to help us provide the best supports to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Albany, Fulton and Schoharie Counties.  There are many benefits to membership in The Arc Lexington and many ways that your membership helps:

  • Membership provides clout! A larger membership means a louder voice for people with disabilities in the halls of local and state government and with national policymakers.
  • Membership grows and develops the leadership base for the future of our agency and The Arc New York as more volunteers are attracted to and aware of our work.
  • Awareness is an outgrowth of membership, and awareness is the first step in creating society-wide acceptance of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  We need a better informed public!
  • We need to provide opportunities for more people with disabilities and their families to have better access to programs and services, a say in advocacy efforts, and awareness of The Arc Lexington, The Arc New York, and The Arc presence.
  • We need funding to fulfill our commitments to the people that we support. Although membership is a friend-raiser and not a fundraiser, membership dues help generate funds to support unfunded or under-funded local programs and services.

Membership in The Arc Lexington is a Three-Tier Membership
When an individual becomes a member of The Arc Lexington, they are also joining a three-tier organization of people – local, state and national.  Although membership is largely a local effort, with participation occurring at the local Chapter (Lexington) level, each member also becomes an important part of a larger advocacy and support effort.

The process is simple – when a person becomes a member of The Arc Lexington, they are also enrolled as members of our state organization (The Arc New York) and the national organization (The Arc). A small portion of the local membership fee goes to each organization to support the programs and services and advocacy efforts on all levels.

Please consider becoming a member of The Arc Lexington.  A year-long Lexington membership starts at only $5, but there are other levels of membership available.  Use the button below to join.

If you have any questions or need further information about membership in The Arc Lexington and its benefits, please contact Wally Hart, or call (518) 661-9932.
