The Lexington Foundation

The Lexington Foundation is the fundraising and grant making entity that provides important philanthropic support to the programs and services of Lexington, Chapter of The Arc New York.

The Lexington Foundation was established in 1984 to help make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities. Gifts to the Foundation go directly to providing critical support to those who most need it.

Each year, The Lexington Foundation responds to requests from Lexington to help fund areas of need. Grant requests are reviewed and approved by the Lexington Foundation Board of Directors.

Historically, the Lexington Foundation has helped fund numerous events and necessities:

  • Lexington’s Special Olympics athletic program
  • An annual educational conference held for Fulton County families caring for someone with a developmental disability.
  • A conference to help individuals with developmental disabilities become self-advocates
  • The “Making Dreams Come True” program that helps fund the needs and dreams of people with developmental disabilities
  • Improvements to several Lexington residences to provide fire evacuation routes

Won’t you join us in supporting important and innovative programs like these? To learn more about The Lexington Foundation.

Your contributions can help make a difference! To make a donation, contact Wally Hart, Executive Director of The Lexington Foundation, at (518) 661-9932 or